Mortgage Cancellation
If the terms of your contract were misrepresented to you at the time of sale, you may be able to cancel your timeshare contract regardless of your rescission period and rescind on your mortgage loan. Imagine life without overwhelming timeshare mortgage payments.
Our clients have all at some point felt as though the terms of the contract and what the salesperson actually sells you on, conflict heavily. Most assume when they buy, they will have a nice investment to bank on once they are ready to sell. Unfortunately, this is almost never the case and most owners will sink into “the money pit”. There is no secondary resale market for timeshares. You can see on eBay that hundreds of timeshares are going anywhere from a penny to a dollar. We know how to get rid of a timeshare with an attached mortgage. Fight back with us and say NO to paying more fees and wasting money.

Fraud Recovery
If you have been defrauded by a phony timeshare resale company, we can help you get your money back. Licensed with the Secretary of State as a Consumer Advocate Timeshare Relief Service. Client Protection Group helps combat the nefarious act of “Timeshare Resale Fraud”.
Timeshare resale fraud is when a company calls promising to sell or buy your timeshare. When offering to sell, these companies will ask for thousands of dollars to have a picture of your property on their website. No guarantee that anyone is actually going to purchase it. In these cases, we are able to look over in detail exactly what transpired. How you were defrauded and different ways we can help recover lost funds.
Fraud recovery is heavily based on numerous variables so please speak to a Timeshare Elimination Team member to learn more information!
Timeshare Elimination
Timeshares are impossible to sell. Due to the fact that so many timeshare owners attempt to sell and get out of a timeshare with little success, we know how difficult it is to dispose of timeshares without professional help. We are here to eliminate the burden of your timeshare. Our process is straight forward, transparent, and legal. Timeshare sales staff use deceptive sales practices when looking for prospective clients. These tactics are high-pressure oriented to get the prospective client into an uncomfortable position to where they feel obligated to purchase a timeshare. The reality ends up being an extra payment in your budget whether you go out and enjoy your vacation or not. No matter what, your maintenance fees increase and payments are always due.
Timeshare Elimination is Client Protection Groups' elite timeshare exit service. With Timeshare Elimination, exiting your timeshare is a breeze. We do all the legal work, and rest assured that your specific case is handled by experts. The process is simple: We request a few bits of paperwork from you, then send all relevant information to the companies for evaluation and termination. Once the case is closed you will be given a letter of termination from the timeshare company detailing the closure of your account! Simple!

Credit Protection
Our Credit Protection Team is able to ensure your credit is not negatively impacted by working diligently with the major credit bureaus. We can guide you on the best ways possible to protect your credit in order to prevent fraud. Clients of ours can expect to have no need to communicate with anyone regarding your timeshare ownership. This is to include the timeshare companies themselves.
If at any point these timeshare companies decide to threaten you with any types of actions, clients are happy to know that we will send a cease and desist letter to stop all further communication to our clients and direct all information to Client Protection Group.